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Greatest hack ever, for those of us who get distracted easily.

You should have the eBook in your inbox. I like to consume content in multiple formats, preferably at the same time. If you've ever struggled to stay focused when you read, the easiest hack in the world is to put headphones on with the audiobook of the book you are reading and listen to the words as you read.

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Just kind'a looking for a job right now?

Is there a lot of work to do before you can start?

Like build that portfolio?
Finish that certification?
Another course?

Sound familiar?
I hear this all the time.​

So you CAN start applying, in fact you should. But first understand the strategy.

How to compete with 400 applicants?

If you are looking to dive into your first data role but facing an uphill battle of rejection and competition, I feel you. That's why I've put together my #OpenToWork PLAYBOOK. By transforming your LinkedIn profile into a magnet for recruiters, you'll skip the queue and land your dream role faster.

You LI profile is almost there. Just needs a little polish. Less work than you think.

💡 Don't let another rejection letter dampen your spirits. With the #OpenToWork PLAYBOOK, you'll uncover the secrets to standing out in a crowded job market. Say goodbye to the endless cycle of dead end applications and hello to a brighter future. It's time. Take control and make opportunities come to you.

Who is Rho Lall?

I'm a full stack data scientist with experience in business, analytics, and software engineering.

That wasn't always the case. In the beginning I was frustrated. I had the skills and talent, but I couldn't get an interview let alone a job offer. I spent hours upon hours sending out resumes, only to hear crickets in response.

I want to share with you how I overcame my own inexperience.

After Reading the #OpenToWork PLAYBOOK

"Your playbook is awesome! It's got me fired up again about getting a full-time job in product. I've already applied to multiple places and reworked my LinkedIn profile/resume. Thanks for putting this together." ~ Ben

"Yes! I have a path to start applying. Is there anything I can do to return the favor? I appreciate the help! :)" ~ Melissa

"I absolutely love your presentation style!
It's funny, amusing! I will keep you updated on my progress." ~ Maria

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